Sleep Disturbances

Sleep disturbances occur throughout the night without you even knowing it...

Even though you were sleeping all through the night you may be experiencing sleep disturbances. There are over 70 different types of sleep disorders and are all categorized in three areas lack of sleep, disturbed sleep, and excessive sleep.

Sleep is needed for your body to function properly...

Sleep disturbances occur throughout the night without you even knowing it, this can be caused by many different problems.

Keeping your body in shape, dieting, removing caffeine, and developing a good lifestyle can correct these problems. Everyone is different, and Klugh Chiropractic can help.

There are stages in your sleep that your body must go through to achieve a good night sleep.
This cycles over and over throughout the night.

5 to 10 Minutes

Stage 1

Light sleep and relaxation of the muscles. (Transition to sleep). Can be awakened easily.

10 to 15 Minutes

Stage 2

Activity in the brain slows and eye movement stops. Your body is preparing for deep sleep.

15 to 20 Minutes

Stage 3

Brains waves become slow (delta waves) and small quick waves occur. Also referred to as deep sleep.

Lasts for 10 Minutes

Stage 4

(REM) Rapid Eye Movement – dreams occur. Usually, REM sleep happens 90 minutes after you fall asleep

Each sleep cycle usually takes about an hour and a half to complete.
During the deep stages of NREM sleep, the body repairs and regrows tissues, builds bone and muscle, and strengthens the immune system. Sleep is needed for your body to function properly, so take care of yourself and do what it takes to achieve a good night sleep.

Having Trouble Sleeping? We Can Help. Call 918-321-2719

Klugh Chiropractic Can Help

Dr. Klugh can help relieve your symptoms. Click below to learn more.

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Patient Reviews

Regina M.

When I began training for the Tulsa Run I noticed an unusual pain in my right foot. After trying traditional treatments to relieve my foot pain with no success, I scheduled an appointment to meet with Dr. Klugh. After 6 visits of him performing adjustments, ultrasound, and utilizing a massage therapist I began noticing a significant difference. However, it wasn't until I was fitted for orthotics that the pain totally diminished. I continue to see Dr. Klugh to this day to maintain my progress. Thanks for all your help!

Staci K.

Well this particular testimony is very special to me, it deals with my son Tyler and his first adjustment at 14 hours old. After a long birth Tyler was placed into the Step Down Unit of the ICU where he was being monitored for his oxygen saturation and his heart rate. While still on 40% 0xygen Arrick checked and gently adjusted Tyler's spine, four hours later Tyler was completely off of Oxygen and his heart rate was normal. We were then able to take our sweet baby boy home and spend our first Thanksgiving with our new addition.

Ashley R.

Dr. Arrick,

I just wanted to let you know that after getting adjusted, our baby girl went from a breech position to a normal position which allowed me to have the natural birth that we had planned on since the beginning. I have 2 other kids that were born in a hospital and we just wanted to try something different. Thank you for allowing us to experience birth the way it was suppose to be experienced.

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